Chain Sling CSX-468 Grade 10

Design: Chain sling with master link and shortening hooks on one end and clevis load hook on the other end of each leg.
From ø19 up to 26mm chain fitted with other type shortening hook and ø 26 mm chain is fitted with an eye hook. Other combinations possible on demand.

Dimension: Ø 6–26 mm.

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Design: Chain sling with master link and shortening hooks on one end and clevis load hook on the other end of each leg.
From ø19 up to 26mm chain fitted with other type shortening hook and ø 26 mm chain is fitted with an eye hook. Other combinations possible on demand.

Dimension: Ø 6–26 mm.

  • Material: Alloy steel.
  • Marking: According to standard, CE-marked
  • Temperature range: -40°C up to 200°C (up to 380° possible on demand)
  • Standard: EN 818-4
  • Warning: Not to be heat-treated.
  • Safety factor: 4:1
  • Grade: 10

Chain Sling Grade 10

EN 818-4, but with higher WLL

Safety Factor 4:1

Chain Ø 1-part 2-part 3-4-part Endless
rakt snarat u-form 2-parting-0-45 2-parting-45-60 3-parting-0-45 3-parting-45-60 andlos-rakt andlos-snarat andlos-uform
Straight pull Choke hitch Basket hitch 0°−45° 45°−60° 0°−45° 45°−60° Straight pull Choke hitch Basket hitch
mm Max last (WLL) i ton
6 1,40 1,12 2,80 2,00 1,40 3,00 2,12 2,80 2,24 5,60
7 1,90 1,50 3,80 2,65 1,90 4,00 2,80 3,80 3,00 7,60
8 2,50 2,00 5,00 3,55 2,50 5,30 3,75 5,00 4,00 10,00
10 4,00 3,15 8,00 5,60 4,00 8,40 6,00 8,00 6,30 16,00
13 6,70 5,30 13,40 9,50 6,70 14,00 10,00 13,40 10,60 26,80
16 10,00 8,00 20,00 14,00 10,00 21,20 15,00 20,00 16,00 40,00
19 14,00 11,20 28,00 20,00 14,00 30,00 21,20 28,00 22,40 56,00
20 16,00 12,80 32,00 22,40 16,00 33,60 24,00 32,00 25,60 64,00
22 19,00 15,00 38,00 26,50 19,00 40,00 28,00 38,00 30,00 76,00
26 26,50 21,20 53,00 37,50 26,50 56,00 40,00 53,00 42,50 106,00
32 40,00 31,50 80,00 56,00 40,00 85,00 60,00 80,00 64,00 160,00
Factor (KL) 1 0,8 2 1,4 1 2,1 1,5 2 1,6 4
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