Lifting safety training is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to enhance workplace safety and productivity while reducing maintenance costs. Accidents can occur during lifting tasks, affecting workers, employees, and bystanders. Most lifting-related accidents are due to human error, leading to safety risks and uncontrolled downtime. Proper training and correct work methods can minimize or prevent these accidents entirely.
Training Content
✓ Safety Considerations:
Review general safety considerations in lifting operations.
✓ Use of Lifting Accessories:
Examine the safety risks associated with using lifting accessories.
✓ Challenges with Lifted Objects:
Discuss problems and questions related to lifting objects.
✓ Developing Solutions:
Consider whether there are better solutions for lifting objects and if specific lifting accessories are needed.
Who is the Lifting Safety Training for?
Lifting safety training is essential for anyone who operates cranes, performs lifting tasks, or uses lifting accessories. This training is ideal for new employees, seasonal workers, and as a refresher for experienced crane operators and those involved in general lifting work. It is also intended for supervisors responsible for the daily operation and safe use of lifting equipment.
The training provides participants with practical knowledge of safety considerations in lifting operations and the risk factors associated with using lifting accessories. We offer the training directly at your location, making it a convenient and effective way to enhance workplace safety.
Training Objectives
The objective of the training is to encourage individuals involved in lifting tasks to consider safety aspects related to their specific work and the safe use of lifting accessories. Additionally, it encourages consideration of whether more suitable, safer, and easier-to-use lifting accessories could be employed or acquired for specific tasks.
Get in touch, and let's plan a training solution that suits your needs!
For more information about the training available in your area, please contact our sales team +358 (0)201 550 220, sales@certex.fi or via the contact form.